With a network of over 3500 colleges across India, ReferenceGlobe connects companies with freshers and laterals all at one place.
The platform allows companies to view CVs and video resumes online. Filters can be applied while selecting students branch wise, percentage of marks acquired and such.
ReferenceGlobe manages data of both the current students as well as alumni from previous batches (data available up to 5 years) and helps companies find and close lateral positions without much effort.
Through this platform companies can ascertain recruitment status and accordingly plan further steps for inducting candidates.
Through this platform companies can ascertain the status of recruitment and accordingly plan further steps to induct a candidate.
Finding freshers is easy.
Get all the details of candidates with just a few clicks
Get complete details of the colleges and students along a with comprehensive report
Find students from a college, a particular course or department and filter it to suit your needs
Contact a college, a single student or students in bulk from one place