- 12 Assessments
- Supporting Videos of 10 hours
- 5 hours Live Classes

Covid-19 Pandemic created uncertainty .Colleges and students are not sure when will colleges are reopened !
So many colleges are not sure how to engage their students during this long semester gap. Are you one of them who really want to make use of this long semester break time in a more planned way?
During this uncertain long semester Break, you must plan well in advance how to utilize the semester break time to make the students engaged properly and to make them ready for forthcoming University exams and placement drives. For that colleges are hunting for a one-stop solution to implement innovative methods in a better way to provide quality knowledge which will be helpful to students.
Looking at this challenge ReferenceGlobe quickly understands the solution required for the colleges to connect with their students online and continue their efforts to make them career ready. We, ReferenceGlobe are well experienced in Educational activities and our Innovative Digital Platform will make your work simple and useful. ReferenceGlobe is proposing this Advanced Digital Engagement Program which will definitely save the time and online training cost for colleges.
We provide previous year asked University / Autonomous/ Deemed University questions with solutions for increasing pass percentage.
To conduct Assessments, share class notes and Interact.
Enable Virtual classes/ webinars to conduct Live classes /Share knowledge.
Entry-level test patterns for self-practising for Higher Education interested students. As there are no Institutions in the present situation for training this kind of exams.
For any further information revert us with your queries we are happy to help you to assist you.