One of the most important functions of an HR is to identify suitable candidates to fill the vacant positions in their companies. To ease the process ReferenceGlobe came up with an integrated platform where companies can directly connect with the colleges and access numerous profiles of students spanning across India.
Campaign, Job and Candidate Management
A company can post a job on ReferenceGlobe platform and it will automatically be shared with all students and colleges across India. It is easy to track the jobs posted along with the candidates applying for them through the advanced online Recruitment Management System. Companies can not only view the profiles of the students but can also contact them both individually and in bulk.
Online Interview Support
Depending on the requirements of the company, we will set up questions for the on line interview to the shortlisted candidates. These questions would be chosen from Java, C, C++ and Python. Questions from categories like Aptitude, Coding and HR Specific will also be included in the On Line Interview.
Multiple Category Assessments
We will provide multiple category assessments by creating patterns from Java, C, C++, Python, English language, programming and from core subjects of the candidates.
Online Coding Test Built In Programming
Specific coding tests on one of the programming languages can be conducted on line. A company can choose from C, C++, Java and Python.
Core Engineering Assessment – Built in Questions
Companies can do away with extra efforts designing a question paper for their assessment and can use ReferenceGlobe’s built in question bank which is a repository of 6,00,000 lakh questions categorized by subject and department. ReferenceGlobe provides language and psychometric tests as well.
5 Lakhs Fresher’s 5 Lakhs laterals
With a network of over 25000 colleges across India, ReferenceGlobe connects companies with freshers and laterals all at one place. The platform allows companies to view CVs and video resumes online. Filters can be applied while selecting students branch wise, percentage of marks acquired and such.