Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Admissions Management
Admissions Module equipped with Assessment and Digital campaigning (SMS/Email Default)
Admission Management Module handles the entire Admission Process of Students. It helps the organization to manage Admission inquiry, Admission form (online and in-premises), Admission set up, Mark entry, Student sorting based on merit, Admission confirmation, and related reports etc.
The goal of the Admission Management System is to automate the academic institute’s admission structure and its related operation and functionality. The objective of the initiative is to provide support to the administration and admission seeking candidates by providing a faster, transparent, and easy way of keeping records and use them for reference and further proceedings.
How we are different
- Sponsor integrated expert assesments to generate prospect leads.
- Create many multiuser admission officers'(A.O) logins and one super A.O login as per the requirement.
- Assign,track, manage a set of prospects data to an A.O effectively.
- Configure and campaign(sms, email) to convert prospects into actual admissions.
- Manage the prospect data with a current status effectively
- Conduct virtual webinars to prospects with custom integrated video conferencing solution

SIS(Student Information System)
- Students’ Details like personal details, login details, parents’ details and other details can be stored securely in a centralized system
- Facility for uploading University wise marks , Internal and External marks facility with Excel and PDF formats
- Manage the results of all the students throughout the year by just entering the marks of the students
- Data import & Bulk upload facility
- Automatic promotion of Students to the Next semester
- Well-designed reports
- Custom search reports
- Loading of students pending fee details and sending communication to parents on the fee transactions.
- SMS/Email and notification support
How we are different
- Process students data only once and provide centralized access to students information
- View all the departments students data with total count
- Filter students information based on department or year of passout
- Search the Students' information based on academic/non academic scores
- Share important information to the students using integrated bulk sms
- Manage the students information with ease from a single place
Attendance Management System
Attendance management is the process of managing the presence of students. Organizations use a number of methods, from punching cards and spreadsheets to automated attendance management systems and biometric devices to manage attendance. Every organization needs to keep track of how their students and staff spend their time.
How we are different
- Prepare semister wise upto 8 periods timetable ahead using bulk upload feature
- Faculty can upload and manage books, national journals, international journals,awards and projects
- Create and manage section wise lesson plan effectively.
- Manage,Filter students attendance section wise between a range of dates effortlessly.
- Update the attendance of the students(present/absent) any time.
- View overall department wise students attendance report with a simple tab click.

Parent Information System
Parent information systems is to increase communication with parents and teachers in order to support students' academic performance.
- Allows to view their child's grades interacting with faculties and management
- Sharing of Complete information of students
- Bring the involvement Interaction
- Monitoring activates Fee Process etc.,
- Ease of communication
- Quick access to information
- Parents can get complete details using the payment features as well as track fee arrears if applicable
Fee Management System
Fee Management System incorporates a comprehensive fee module solution to automate and transfer fee processes that drives efficiency with reduced costs. It generates reports on fee paid and dues and send reminders to parents to pay the fees on time.
Fees Collection and Management are critical operations that helps in managing the operation of fees collection and fee receipt generation easily and quickly.
- Loading of students pending fee details and sending communication to parents on the fee transactions.
- SMS/Email and notification support
- Define fees slabs with different ranges like quarterly, monthly, half yearly for different standard.
- Facility of collecting fees in parts and maintain the due remaining amount.
- Generate and print receipts of fees along with manual / automated fees receipt no
- Easy to record the cheque no. / cash notes received in fees.
- Fees collection report with standard wise or student wise data for a specific date range.

Transport Management System
A transportation management system (TMS) is a logistics platform that uses technology to help businesses plan, execute, and optimize the physical movement of goods, both incoming and outgoing, and making sure the shipment is compliant, proper documentation is available. This kind of system is often part of a larger supply chain management (SCM) system.
A Transportation management solution provides visibility into day-to-day transportation operations and documentation.
- Easily upload data all route and transportation information through an easy-to-use transport management module
- Seamlessly integrate transportation information and notification capability
- Manage route and route stop
- Facility to have all the vehicle information, service history information and Next check-up information
- Integrated with Google Maps to easily define bus routes
How we are different
- Create, Manage the Multiple vehicles information effectively.
- Create and Manage Multiple drivers information with ease
- Create an induvidual Bus Route(start route and end route) Details.
- Create and map Bus timing information to a specific bus in a specific route
- View complete Bus, Driver, Route,Bus timing, traveller details at one place
Library Management System
- Manage the complete management of the entire library through the software’s easy interface
- It removes manual process of issuing books by easy and simplified way of issuing book saving time and effort
- The librarian can issue, return and reserve book for a particular student through the software’s interface
- The software automatically shows fine levied by automatically counting days from the date if issue in case of late return of the book
- Add, update, search and view library items online
- Student can also check the availability status of a particular book online
- Generate customized report for library items, library inventory and library fine collection

Hostel Management
This module talks about accommodation including list of hostels, students opted for hostels, fees collection, room allotments and more. During admission, it gathers the details of students and furnishes them name of hostel, room no, warden name and charges for each student.
- It allows you to manage all the school hostels efficiently.
- Keep a documentation of hostel ins and outs and hostel consumables and durables.
- Create Customized Reports for further reference
- It makes the process of updating the data is fast.
- It reduces the manual work of management.
How we are different
- A super admin user(warden) can be created.
- Warden can register the students with the hallticket and other personal information.
- Warden can allocate a room to the students based on department as per availability.
- Warden can put students in waiting list if rooms are unavailable.
- Warden can allocate maximum of two messes to the student at any time
- Warden can provide an id card to the students for using mess facilities
- Automated email warning is sent to the students with mess bill due
- Students can manage their personal information effectivley
Certificate/ TC/bonafide Module
- Leaving certificate Generation
- Bonafide certificate Generation
- First trial certificate Generation
- Transfer certificate Generation
- Custom design template for Certificates
- Back Ground Verification Support Emailing Functionality

ERP Benefits
- Simplify Admission Process
- An integrated system that operates in real time
- Automate Fee Payments
- Centralized Data Management
- Quicker Management Process
- Improve Resource Management
- Data Security
- Sophisticated processing of data
- A common database that supports all applications
- Improved services for the faculty, students and employees.
- Reduce or eliminate manual processes.
- Improve internal communications.
- Support sophisticated data analysis for use
- Reduced dependence on paper.